Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Roasted Radishes and Carrots (AND Flank Steak Marinade You'll Love)

 So I've been so excited to show you my garden I recently started this summer. BUT… I can't find the awesome pictures I took so I will have to take more tomorrow and try my best to post them ASAP!

In the meantime, you will have to settle for this picture of my first harvested strawberry! Isn't it adorable and so juicy looking?!


Anyways, these beauties have been sitting in my crisper patiently waiting to be used from Talley Farms Box 2 weeks ago! I'm so happy they made it that long! I love the rustic look of radishes and natural beauty that freshly picked carrots have. And I'm so sorry that I made them wait that long! I truly regret it. It's not fair to them and their jaw-dropping beauty. 

Okay, before you pucker your face about there being radishes in this recipe, DON'T!
I am not a fan of raw radishes on their own, while I will eat them in a salad, I will not just munch on them as a snack. However, when I was a little girl I loved to munch on radishes, odd right?! I don't know why, don't ask me. I remember being in kindergarten and having just learned about gardens and we got to plant a garden of our own, and guess what one of the plants we grew was? Radishes!! and I ate them fresh out of the ground, rinsed off first of course. And I loved them! That changed. Ha Ha. 

I loved roasted radishes, so I have faith that you will all love this recipe!

So for this pan of deliciousness,

You Will Need:
1 bunch of small to medium Radishes, quartered - about a dozen (Talley Farms Box)
Feel free to mix up your radishes with different type! I loved to do this around spring, so pretty!
1 bunch of Baby Carrots, peeled - about a dozen (Talley Farms Box)
1 tablespoon Olive Oil
1 teaspoon dried Rosemary
1/2 Lemon

(Please excuse my gigantic Sweet Tea from, yes, Mcdonalds. It was a rough day, and Sweet Tea hits the spot, the best!!!)

Preheat oven to 450 degrees.

Place carrots and radishes in a bowl and toss with olive oil, rosemary, salt and pepper.

Place on a baking sheet and roast for 20 minutes. 

Drizzle with lemon juice and serve!

So easy and so beautiful.

Bonus recipe!
I wan't to try and share a few of favorite marinades, so here is the first!
I love to use this for Flank steak or Skirt Steak.

1 teaspoon Cumin
1/2 teaspoon Salt
1/2 teaspoon Pepper
4 teaspoons of Garlic Powder
(or 4 cloves minced or grated)
3 Green Onions, Sliced
1 tablespoon Cilantro, Chopped Fresh from my garden:)
2 Jalepeno Peppers, Minced and rinsed of seeds
1/3 cup Lime Juice
1/2 cup Olive Oil

This is enough for about 2 pounds of meat.  Mix all ingredients together in a ziploc bag. Marinate for 2 hours-Overnight. 
I prefer overnight.

Bon Appetit!



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