Monday, September 8, 2014

Beer, Bean and Cotija Stuffed Poblano's

Yesterday was the NFL Season Kickoff! And you know what that means? BBQ Time!!!
The Boyfriend BBQ'd some AMAZING tri-tip and then we made Mama Clarissa's Pasta Salad the day before and let it get all yummy in the fridge over night. I had a few leftover ears of corn from my Talley Farms Box, so we cooked those up to. Upon grabbing the corns, I stumbled upon these oh so beautiful Pablano Peppers The Boyfriends' mom gave me from her neighbor who grows them in his back yard. 

So I remember a recipe I found a few weeks back that sounded aw dropping-ly delicious! On a blog I fell in love with! Joanne-Eats Well With Others. I highly recommend taking a peek at her blog. It puts my new-born blog to shame. Any ways, hang on, this recipe will blow you away! Well at least it did when I took my first bite yesterday.

On a side note I have exciting news. Well for me at least! As I was making this dish yesterday, The Boyfriend cam over to me and said, "You know, you make all this food, and I never really try any of it. I think I should start at least trying a bite of everything from now on." This is HUGE progress. The Boyfriend is an very picky eater. He is all about "mouth-feel" and smell. Of course taste as well, but he is mainly a MEAT AND POTATOES type guy. I mean of course, what guy isn't. He is very picky when it comes to spices and veggies and things he has never heard of. But I am so happy with his decision to take this food journey with me! YAY ME!

You will need:

2 Poblano Peppers
1 can Refried Beans
4 oz Corona
1/4 tsp Chile Powder
1/4 tsp Cinnamon
1/3 cup Cotija Cheese
1/3 cup Monterey Jack Cheese
1 1/2 tsp Lime Juice

The original recipe from Joanne-Eats Well With Others makes the beans from scratch, but this was a last minute spur of the moment addition to the menu, and I had just got off my 8-hour early morning shift and the game was already in the 2nd Quarter. I WILL make those beans from scratch one day because I know it will be absolutely worth it! 

Anyways, start by heating the refried beans on the stove in a saucepan over medium low heat. Add Corona, chile powder, cinnamon and salt to taste. Simmer for 10-15 minutes until all the beer is absorbed and beans are warm all the way through.

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

Cut a slit down each Poblano and remove membrane and seeds and place on a lined baking sheet. Spoon the bean mixture inside each pepper until 2/3 full.

In a bowl, combine, cotija, monterey jack and lime juice.  Add this to the peppers right on top of the bean mixture. And LOTS of it!

Roast in the oven until peppers are blistering and cooked all the way through. About 30 minutes.

I hope you fall in love with this dish as much as I did and don't forget to check out the other MILLIONS of AMAZING recipes Joanne-Eats Well With Others has!



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