Friday, August 29, 2014

Garden Stuffed Bell Peppers / Talley Farms Fresh Harvest Box Week 3

Don't exit this post! I promise you this doesn't taste healthy or vegetarian at all.

It's just an awesome spin on your typical, pork sausage or ground beef stuffed Bell Peppers.

This is so good, you won't be missing the meat at all!

Also, this weeks Talley Farms Fresh Harvest Box is an exciting one!

This weeks box included:
2 Avocados
1lb Pluots
Green Kale
Romaine Lettuce
2lb Valencia Oranges
1 Pint Mini Bell Peppers
1 Pint Blackberries
1lb Yellow Wax Beans
2 Lemons
5 Bi-Color Corn
1lb Heirloom Tomatoes
Green Onions (THEY'RE GIANT)

and an added bonus
2 Artichokes!!!

I cannot wait to use these Yellow Wax beans!! They are so gorgeous!

And these Heirloom tomatoes?! Don't even get me started! They are so awe dropping that they don't even look real! I wish I had more than two of these!!!

** Quick tip. To make your green onions last longer immerse the roots in water and make a centerpiece out of them! They stay gorgeous much longer and prevent shrinking this way.

Let's get started, shall we?!

You will need:
2 Large Bell Peppers (Talley Farm Box)
2 Tablespoons Olive Oil
1 1/2 Onions, Chopped (Talley Farms Box)
2 Garlic Cloves
1 Zucchini
1 Small Bell Pepper, diced
(I used my pint of mini Bell Peppers from Talley Farms Box)
1 Roma Tomato
(I used 3 mini tomatoes I picked from my boyfriends' Grandpas' Tomato Plant, they are so delicious, I also used a left over yellow tomato I had)
1/3 cup Sliced Almonds, Toasted
1/3 cup Golden Raisins
1/2 Teaspoon Fresh Basil, Chopped 
(Fresh and home grown from my garden I will show you tomorrow!)
1/4 tsp dried Rosemary
1/4 cup Parmesan, Grated

Let's get started! 

Put 2 1/2 cups of ice in a bowl and set aside as you cut all your veggies.

Bring a pot of salted water to a boil.

Cut Bell Peppers in half lengthwise. Remove seeds and cut out inner stem but keep outer stem to help hold the filling in. 

When the water has started to boil add the bell peppers. (You may have to do 2 batches) Let them cook for 2 mins. Quickly transfer them to the now, ice water. When the peppers are completely cooled down lay them out on a towel to absorb all the excess water. 

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. 

In a pan over medium heat, add olive oil, chopped onions and garlic and cook until golden brown and begin to caramelize. 

To this, add the tomatoes, zucchini and chopped bell peppers and season with salt and pepper. Cook for 5 mins. 

Remove from burner and add toasted almonds, raisins, basil and rosemary.

Fill the bell peppers with this filling, place in a casserole dish.

Bake for 20-25 mins.  

Sprinkle parmesan on top and bake for an additional 5 mins.

Bon Appetit!



Thursday, August 28, 2014

Spinach Tomato Quiche/ August BarkBox Review

I'm Sorry.

I'm Sorry.

I'm Sorry!!!!!!!

This past week has been so crazy/busy. And I have been meaning to post this since last week but never had the time so here it is finally and I hope it was worth the wait.

So, remember how in my last post I was commenting on how the tomato tart would be so delicious as a quiche?

Well wait no longer, I have done that here!

But first I have to share the cutest thing ever with you!

My puppy:)

Meet Shay! She is a Border Collie Mix and just the most adorable bundle of energy!
This month, her and I got to experience our very first month of BarkBox. For those of you who have dogs this is such an awesome and creative idea. If you click the link above you will see how easy it is to get started and will get 10% off your first order! You select the size of your dog, the subscription length of your choice and pay! The hard part is waiting each month.

(As you can tell, Shay couldn't wait to get her box open as soon as it showed up 2 weeks ago)

In this month's box we got:
Safe Made Nautical Bandana ($8)


I how the box was packed with cute tissue paper and a card with info about all the products. It also includes reorder codes that you can just text to reorder products that you want more of in the box! How easy is that?! 

Once the box was open Shay could wait to start playing with her Squeaking Lobster Water Toy.
Today Shay just finished her Chicken Jerky Strips. She loved those! I was worried about the lobster biscuits, but she loved those too! As for the bandana she grew out of it within a day and we gave it to her Uncle Cooper (My Boyfriend's Families new Schnoodle puppy). 

All in all we are so satisfied with her first box and can't wait to see what the others have to offer. For what you get in each box it is a bargain and a HUGE Bargain if you choose to do the longer subscriptions. So I dare you! Go start a fun adventure with your furry friend!

Now for this delicious Quiche!
It's a mix of tomatoes, spinach, feta and parmesan. An OH SO DELICIOUS!

You Will Need:

For the Pate Brisee:
1 1/2 cup All Purpose Flour
1/2 cup Butter, cut into cubes
1 tsp. Salt
1 Egg
1 TB Milk
1/2 tsp. Sugar

For the Filling:
2 Eggs
1 cup Milk
1 TB Onion Powder
Salt and Pepper to taste
1 cup Spinach, Chopped (Talley Farms Box)
1/4 cup Feta
1/4 cup Parmesan 
15 Cherry Tomatoes, Quartered
(I used 2 Yellow (1.5oz ea) Tomatoes and 7 Heirloom Cherry Tomatoes)
2 Slices of cooked Bacon, Chopped

This Spinach has eagerly been waiting to be used from my Talley Farms Fresh Harvest Box, and  it will hopefully all be used up by the end of this week! If you have any awesome ideas for how to use up my spinach please comment below:)

Let's Start with the crust. 
Combine Flour, sugar and salt in the bowl of a stand up mixer or food processor.
Slowly add SUPER COLD cubed butter and mix until it resembles a coarse mixture (like sand). In a separate small bowl whisk together milk and egg. Slowly drizzle this into the flour mixture. Mix until the dough barely comes together. Knead by hand until completely blended. Roll the dough into a ball and flatten into a disk and refrigerate for 45 mins or stick it in the freezer for 15 mins. 
Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
Roll the dough out until it is 3 inches wider than your tart pan. Fill pan with crust and trim off excess. Dock the bottom of the crust with a fork (poke holes), to keep from bubbling while baking. 
Bake for 15 mins and let cool completely.

Change oven temperature to 350 degrees.
Sprinkle Feta and Parmesan on top of crust and then top with chopped spinach.

Whisk Eggs, Milk, Onion Powder, Salt and Pepper together and pour on top of spinach.

Top with tomatoes.

And then an extra sprinkle of Parmesan and bacon on top.

Because bacon makes everything better! Everyone knows that! 

Bake for 45 mins or until golden brown on top and set in the middle.

Cut and serve :)
Or eat it all by yourself. (If you prefer)

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Summer Tomato Tart

So today I finally bought my tart pans I have been eyeing forever at Michael's Craft Store, and what a deal when you have a 40% off coupon, right?! I think yes!


Aren't they beautiful?? 
Yeah. I think so too!

Now! For tonight's dinner. I have to say... It tastes like a sophisticated pizza!
Minus the sauce and cheese and toppings. Ha Ha if that makes any sense.

Let's get started!

You Will Need:
Tart Shell (Pâte Brisée) *
1 1/2 cups Flour
1/2 stick Butter, cut into cubes and chilled
1/2 tsp Salt
1 egg
4-5 TB ICE COLD Water
*If you don't want to make Tart crust by hand you can always store buy one.

Tomato Filling
6 medium Tomatoes, Thinly Sliced 
(I used Yellow, Red, and Orange Combo but any tomatoes will do and heirlooms would be gorgeous as well!)
8-11 oz. Heirloom Cherry Tomatoes
(Or normal cherry tomatoes)
1 TB Dijon Mustard
1 TB Sour Cream
1/2 tsp Pepper
1/2 tsp Salt
1/2 tsp Sugar
1/2 tsp Paprika
1/4 tsp Dried Oregano
1/4 tsp Dried Basil
1 TB Fresh Basil, Torn

I love the vibrant colors of these on vine tomatoes!

And the combo with the Heirloom Cherry tomatoes is stunning. Wait until you see the tart!

Preheat Oven to 425 degrees.

Then, combine flour, salt and cold butter cubes and mix until it resembles coarse sand texture. (Crumbly) The colder the butter the better. It will help create a super flaky crust! Make a well in the middle of your flour mixture and add egg and 2 tablespoons of ice cold water and mix until dough comes together. Add 2 more tablespoons of water if needed. 

Form a dough ball and refrigerate for an hour of freeze it for 15 mins.

Roll out dough about 3 inches wider than the pan being used then fill fan and press sides down until all in tact. Trim the excess dough and tidy up the edges. Use a fork to poke a few holes into the bottom of the crust to prevent it from bubbling. 

Mix Dijon and Sour Cream together and spread on bottom of tart. It will be A VERY VERY thin layer so don't worry, it will be just the right amount. Trust me.

Next, fill your tart with sliced tomatoes however you choose to arrange them. I like to overlap them in circles. 

Mix together salt, sugar, pepper, paprika, dried basil and oregano, and sprinkle over tomatoes.

Bake 20 mins.

Remove tart from oven and arrange cherry tomatoes on top and sprinkle torn fresh basil on top and bake for another 20-30 mins (or until crust is golden brown and cherry tomatoes start to blister)

You can serve this fresh out of the oven, room temperature or even cold the next day out of the fridge.

I really hope you all fall in love with this as much as I have.

Did you every think you would eat a savory tart that wasn't a quiche?!
Now you can say you have once you make this.

Speaking of quiche, I will have to try this as a quiche. Egg, Spinach, Basil, Tomatoes, Mozzarella or Smoked Gouda?! Wow, I know what my weekend project will be. 


Thanks for cooking with me tonight!
Bon Appétit!



You Can Print The Recipe HERE

This Recipe was adapted from: The Framed Table

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Dill-Butter Salmon with Green Bean-Cucumber Salad

I am so excited to share this recipe with you.

I love salmon that has a that acidity but creaminess as well.

I found this combo to be the best yet!

As far as the salad, remember the food network "50 Picnic Salads" I found the other day? Yup! here is number 2 of my 31 I chose to make:) I really hope you enjoy both of these.

With this dinner I will be using 4 items from both of my Talley Farms boxes! Finally making my way through these boxes. I might have to skip out on next weeks, due to my fridge being completely overstocked with veggies and fruit. BOO! Because this coming weeks box sounds delicious. Curious to see what's in it? Check out their website linked above.

For this coming week I am hoping to crank out a few more of my FOOD NETWORK SALAD finds and 2 amazing tarts that will blow your mind, so stay tuned!

Let's get started shall we?

You Will Need:

-Dill-Butter Salmon-
Salmon Filet (6-9oz.)
Olive Oil
1 Lemon, Thinly Sliced (Talley Farms)
1 TB Butter
1 1/2 Teaspoons Dill

-Green Bean-Cucumber Salad-
(From June 2014 Food Network Magazine)
1 1/2 lbs Green Beans (Talley Farms)
1 Pint Grape Tomatoes, Halved
(I used an Heirloom Tomato that was added as an extra in my Talley Farms box and was about 1 lb. But you can really use any tomatoes you have on hand.)
1 Sliced Small English Cucumuber
(I used one of my Lemon Cucumbers from last weeks Talley Farms Box)
1 Shallot, Thinly Sliced
1/3 cup Olive Oil
1/4 cup Red Wine Vinegar

Preheat oven to 425 degrees.

Start by sprinkling a little salt on your Salmon Filet and set aside for a few minutes. You can Make your dill butter in the mean time. Take your butter, at room temperature and mix together with the dill. Transfer this mixture to a pice of wax paper, parchment paper or plastic wrap and form into a log and freeze.

Drizzle salmon with a little olive oil and line a line sheet with foil. After slicing your lemon place them on the baking sheet and top with your salmon. Skin side up. Yes thats right we are baking our salmon upside down on top of lemons! It's about to get a little crazy! I do this because I like to get that skin super crispy. If you don't care for crispy skin or skin at all you can bake the salmon skin side down and place the lemons on top.

Bake 15-20 mins depending on the thickness of your salmon.

Now while that cooking let start on our salad.

Bring a pot of water to a boil and boil your trimmed green beans for about 7 mins over medium-high heat, until tender. Drain and rinse when done.

These are my lemon cucumbers, aren't they stunning? They are in person!

Toss together the rest of the ingredients. Add green beans and serve!

Once Salmon is done, pull out that dill butter and place it right on top of your salmon and watch it melt away.

Before and after the melting of this deliciousness.

Bon Appetit!

I would love to see pictures of your creations and comments as well! Always looking for different ways to switch up simple dishes!



Dill Butter Salmon:
Salmon Filet (6-9oz.)
Olive Oil
1 Lemon, Thinly Sliced 
1 TB Butter
1 1/2 Teaspoons Dill

-Preheat oven to 425 degrees.

-Sprinkle salt over Salmon Filet and set aside for a few minutes.  Make your dill butter in the mean time. Take your butter, at room temperature and mix together with the dill. Transfer this mixture to a pice of wax paper, parchment paper or plastic wrap and form into a log and freeze.

-Drizzle salmon with a little olive oil and line a line sheet with foil. Place sliced lemon on a baking sheet and top with your salmon. Skin side up. (Yes upside down). If you don't care for crispy skin or skin at all you can bake the salmon skin side down and place the lemons on top.

-Bake 15-20 mins depending on the thickness of your salmon. Top with dill butter.

Green Bean-Cucumber Salad:
(From June 2014 Food Network Magazine)

1 1/2 lbs Green Beans 
1 Pint Grape Tomatoes, Halved
1 Sliced Small English Cucumuber
1 Shallot, Thinly Sliced
1/3 cup Olive Oil
1/4 cup Red Wine Vinegar

-Bring a pot of water to a boil and boil your trimmed green beans for about 7 mins over medium-high heat, until tender. 

-Drain and rinse when done.

-Toss together the rest of the ingredients. Add green beans and serve!