Saturday, September 6, 2014

Caprese Salad (My little garden tour)

So here it is finally! I know it's not much, but I am so proud of my little front yard garden. 
I am sadly restricted to a container garden because I rent and there is no where to start a garden that my little pup won't get into! If anyone has any tips or tricks or what to grow or how to's on gardening, please please please, I beg of you, share!

So right now I have a half wine barrel that needs filling still. 

My favorite flowers are long stem daisies and when I spotted these at the nursery, I fell in love with them. Right now I only have two types of Echinacea but have my eye on this beautiful purplish pink bunch that I may have to bring home soon to finish off my Echinacea pot.

Now let's move on to my strawberry pot. (Which contains zero strawberries) I am using this pot as an herb garden, or salsa pot. Whatever you prefer to call it, is fine with me. On top I have cherry tomatoes growing.

In one side pocket is Flat Leaf Parsley (Coriander sprouting parsley).

In another pocket I have this beautiful Italian Large Leaf Basil that smells amazing every time I am near it. I love the way basil looks, it just seems so flawless to me ha ha.

Then in another pocket I have a salsa staple, Cilantro! Which also smells amazing as it grows.

And last but not least, in the last little pocket I have some green onions. 

The thing I like about my little strawberry pot plants are that, these plants grow year round! Amazing! How perfect is that?

My little cherry tomatoes will be ready for harvest very soon! (I hope). One thing about gardening is, you have to be patient, which is tough for me. Ha Ha.

Now I know this doesn't make sense but, yes, I am growing strawberries. Why not in my strawberry pot you may ask? Well, I bought the strawberries before getting that pot and they just could't wait any longer to be planted, so I caved and planted them here.

These have been slowly but surely producing strawberries and let me tell you, they are so juicy!!!!

On to my final pot. This more veggies:) What can I say, I love my veggies.

Here I am growing arugula! This is my absolute favorite for salads.

Next, we have some shallots. 

More Green Onions.

And… a BEAUTIFUL Heirloom Tomato Vine! I am so excited for these babies to harvest!

I have had this fellow since march and he is slowly growing, but I am a little worried he may not grow much:( This is a baby pomegranate tree. I so hope I get some fruit on this baby next fall! Everybody cross their fingers. 

Sorry if my garden isn't as exciting as you may have thought it would be. I am just so eager to use all of it in future recipes that I wanted to share my excitement with you!

Well since we are on the topic of gardens, lets make a garden to table salad, sort of.

This will be another salad from my June 2014 Food Network Magazine:) 
#35 from the insert, to be accurate.
To see the 50 Picnic Salads they have click here.

A Caprese Salad.

Aren't those Talley Farms Heirloom Tomatoes gorgeous?
I love the color! They look so unreal, I love it!
You Will Need:
2lbs assorted Tomatoes
(I used my heirloom tomatoes from the TALLEY FARMS BOX and the rest of my tomatoes from my boyfriends', grandpas', garden.)
8oz. Mozzarella, Cubed
1 cup Celery, Chopped
1 cup Basil, Chopped (Fresh from my garden)
1/3 cup Olive Oil
2 Tablespoons Red Wine Vinegar

Print Recipe Here

My garden fresh Basil makes me happy :) 
Up close and personal with my tomatoes!
Fresh mozzarella is so worth it!
Toss all your tomatoes, celery, basil and mozzarella together in a bowl. Combine Olive Oil, Red Wine Vinegar, salt and pepper together and drizzle over your salad!

Easy, right?! And oh so delicious!

Bon Apettit!




  1. This is definitely going to be on our menu, this week. I can practically already taste it. �� Yummy.

  2. Oh, and I love, love your little garden. ��☀️������
