Saturday, September 6, 2014

Almond Pluot Tart (or any other stone fruit)

I got these gorgeous purple Pluots from my Talley Farms Box these past few weeks and i've been dying to make a tart out of them. I found a delicious recipe that I will be adapting from the Bouchon Bakery by Thomas Keller. So while I am waiting on dinner in the crock pot, let start on dessert.

You Will Need: 

2 1/4 cup All Purpose Flour
1/4 cup + 1/2 cup Powdered Sugar
1/4 cup Almond Flour (Almond Meal)
1/2 cup Butter, Room Temperature
1 Egg

Almond Cream Filling
1/2 cup Almond Flour (Almond Meal)
1 TB All Purpose Flour
5 TB Butter, Room Temperature
1/2 cup Powdered Sugar
1 Egg

4 medium sized Pluots (or any other stone fruit)

(Or click the link above "Bouchon Bakery" for the original recipe)

For the crust, whisk together flour, almond flour and 1/4 cup powdered sugar. 

Cream butter in a separate bowl until smooth. Sift in the rest of the powdered sugar (1/2 cup) and mix until fluffy.
Add flour mixture from above in two additions. Then add egg and mix until combined. 
Knead the dough until it comes together, or mix on low in a stand mixer until it comes together.
Divide dough into 2 and form into disk. (This crust recipe is enough for 2 tarts but the rest of this recipe is enough for 1 tart. You can cut this in half but you would have to whisk your 1 egg and only use half of it). Wrap both halves in plastic wrap and refrigerate 1 for 2 hours and freeze the other for later use.


In the meantime, let's make the filling. The almond cream. 

Whisk together almond flour and all purpose flour. 

Cream butter until light and fluffy, about 1-2 minutes. Add powdered sugar and again cream until fluffy. Add flour mixture until just combined and then add the egg and mix until smooth. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 2 hours, or until cold and stiff.

Roll out dough to about 11 inches round. 

Fill an 8 inch tart pan with the dough and cut off excess dough. Freeze for 30 mins or refrigerate for about an hour.

(I decided to use my extra dough and form them into tart shapes as well and froze them. Once frozen I removed them from the pans and put them in a ziploc and am keeping them in the freezer for later, ready-to-use, crusts for when I am in a rush)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Fill the chilled tart shell with the cold almond cream so that it fill a majority of the tart shell, if not all the way. 

 Cut your Pluots, or other stone fruit, into about 1/4-1/8 inch slices. 

(I bought a few of the speckled orange red- Crimson Dandy Pluots in addition to my Talley Farms one just to add color) :)

Arrange them however you please, but I formed them in a ring. One ring along the outer edge all facing the same direction and and inner ring. The inner ring forming in the opposite direction as the outer ring. 

Bake for 45-60 mins until crust is browned and center is set.

Let it cool completely before serving.

I like to add toasted almonds and powdered sugar on top of mine, but that is just preference, many just eat it as is. 

Serve and enjoy!

Stay tuned for dinner in a few hours :)

Until then,



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